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by : BTF
readbud - get paid to read and rate articles
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PTC (Paid To Click) is a way to get free money on the internet. We will be paid by the service provider's website PTC everytime we click on the ads that they present.
PTC website to benefit from the advertiser when the ad was viewed / clicked. For his ads is clicked, the PTC website pays us to click on their ads.
To be able to receive payments from the PTC website, we must have a Virtual Bank account on the internet. Payments will be sent to our Virtual Bank account, then from Virtual Bank we can melt it into our own bank account in Indonesia, for example Mandiri, BCA, BNI, etc.
PTC 100% FREE. PTC only with browsing. There is no registration fee, no transfer of ² events of money, principally capital USD 0!! (Kec. for Internet Capital).

1. You do click on ads on PTC website.
2. Once your commissions reach a certain amount, PTC website pays your activities into your account at Virtual Bank (Example: LibertyReserve, alerpay, paypal).
3. You can dilute the commission at Virtual Bank to utilize the services Exchangers
4. Some Bank Virtual allow you to withdraw money directly to a Local Bank in Indonesia.
5. Exchanger disburse money in Virtual Bank to your account at the Bank Local (Example: Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI, etc).
6. You made withdrawals from ATMs or Local Bank concerned.
-Clix what?
of course clix ads ...
Paid ? Yes yes, is .... PTC  is .... Paid to Click .... Paid = of course Paid ...
What is needed capital Need ... Computer, Internet & Left a bit ....
How it works how?

1. Register on the website PTC, the PTC list I am trying to exist on Main Page, it's all the survey results are likely not a scam.
2. If so, login to the website ...
3. Well, try to part View Adds / Click Ad / View Ads (Usually), then there is a list of ads. Your task is to click on his ads, wait for the duration of 10 s / d 45 seconds (depending on the type of ad) trus dapet deh money. Usually every day there are 80-20 new ad, depending on his website.
Lha, is it me while working? Gini loh, ads that do not need us pelototin continue, while the counter flame, we are back to work kita.Kalo kira2 time was 30 seconds, return to the ad, then see already in OK yet? If okay, then open the window turns of the other ads ... work ... turns back again ... click on another ad again ... back again ... not working is fixed koq, long become a habit ...
Emang paid how much? Depending on the website, the average pay is now at 12:01 U.S. Dollar, meaning about 100 dollars per ad.
We actually paid by whom? Party ngiklanin donk, plus there is also the sponsor.
If only $ 0.01 ato USD 100 when rich donk? If the business itself that much talaga emang dapetnya, let us compute: if there are 10 ads a day, we get $ 0.1. Means a month get $ 0.1 × 30 = $ 3. A year get $ 36, approximately Rp. 306 000 dollars if the rate of Rp. 8500. Ten years dapet Rp 3.06 million. Emang small, but imagine if we list the top 10 PTC, a year get USD 3.06 million, - is still too small, too? Put another way donk ....
Emang there another way? There is a donk, there are 2 ways, * The first: Upgrade membership ... ... beda2 but still pay the price ... there are only 20 dollars, 50 dollars till someone ... depending on his website. What advantage? we paid the value rose from $ 0.1 to $ 0.15 .... (Depending on the website), it means that if you count, a month can get $ 0.15 × 30 = $ 4.5, setaon get $ 54 means approximately Rp. 459 000, - add to it ... * The second way: Find a referral that as much as possible ....
Referral? What the hell is that?
Referral reference that means, it means there are others who use the list of our references. They were so downline we ...
Emang story how they can add to our income?
There are several websites that give a bonus commission every time there is a list of references from our life.
Trussss .... yet abis .... every click made by the person, we get a commission ... hehehe ... the commission depends on the website, there are also providing $ 0.1, or there which gives $ 0.05.
Just imagine if there was a reference from us, then pay $ 0.1 as well ... hmm ... we mean automatic revenue so that our own 2X get $ 0.1 .... see? What if 10 people we reference? automatic means our income multiplied by 10 ...
Wait a minute ... there's more ... if we join with the upgrade, our revenues will further go up again because of referral commission also add too ...
Males ah, meaning it must nyari people who want to list here? Eitttssss first ... do not tell me lazy if you do not try .... donk ... first try. If it fails, there's another way ... ... .. buy reference ....
Emang can? Can donk, almost all of these websites also sell reference ... usually dihargain 1 dollar. Rata2 still selling the package.
There also are packaged ama upgrade. Cuman .... if buying a reference, we can not guarantee that all of them active. My experience still just 60-80% active.
Why, they are looking for people to go into our reference? They are the people who use the list without reference ... So if you use the list without reference, means the later to be referrals to others, he3x
Well, if that had escaped his website how? Fate ... ... ... dah ... a lot of blurry. from 1000 ptc, perhaps only 100 of the Ko ... hence, pinter2 nyari PTC ... before the list, browse the first to use google, for instance we know about bux.to pingin, try the keyword "bux.to scam" or "bux.to trickster" (there are many people who participated Indo loh). Or take a look at forum2, including the forum of the PTC itself. Many who complain ga?
I myself before the join a PTC must first survey, some of my posts on this blog (see link Recommended PTC). Well, because my time is limited, only some of my PTC pelan2 discuss here ... yes ... cape also browsingnya ... hehehe
Oh yes, then pick out all too well what the payment? if a lot of payment proof (proof of payment), this means most likely safe PTC.
Sip a successful ... yes ... Btw, if you are satisfied with this questioning, use my referral so if you want to list. almost all PTC I run, the reference name "fedlin or fedlinbux". Or if ga want a headache, just click the link on this website
My plan would post tips for looking for referrals, as well as tips for promoting your program ... then all of a lot of reviews about PTC, it means have a lot to try PTC. Help ... I wear my references. Thank's loh

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